Summertime has arrived here in South Florida! Although it’s usually warm year-round in this region, we love to celebrate the season by highlighting some of the beautiful plant varieties that we are lucky enough to grow natively in Fort Lauderdale. Included in these plant varieties are an abundance of orchids. Not only do we allow guests to view our beautiful orchids throughout our estate property, but we also offer our visitors the unique opportunity to learn what it takes to grow stunning orchids of their own!
This August, we will be hosting our extremely popular Orchid Care Classes for both beginners and experienced growers. These interesting classes will cover both the basics of orchid care and more advanced techniques. These classes will be taught by our Orchid Curator, Jose Exposito, and his fantastic team of orchid care experts on staff at Bonnet House.
Our Orchid Care Basics class will take place on Tuesday, August 8th, 2023 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, and again from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. In this class, students will be introduced to the many types of orchids and will even learn how to select the best locations for growing. Students will also be given instructions regarding basic cultivation techniques, including those regarding watering and fertilization.
To learn about more advanced orchid care techniques, our intermediate classes will take place on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, and again from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. These classes will cover all aspects of transplanting orchids, with a special emphasis on the techniques and uses of different materials including cork, driftwood, plaques, baskets, and more.
One of the most interesting and popular components of these classes includes a special tour of our greenhouse. Our greenhouse is filled with a variety of perfectly cared-for orchids, and more. During this tour, guests will learn exclusive details about our orchid care techniques and have the opportunity to ask our expert Orchid Curator questions.
Regardless of your knowledge of orchid care techniques, we hope to see you at our upcoming orchid classes this August. These classes are very popular and will fill up quickly, so be sure to reserve your spot today!