With five distinct eco-zones and former owners whose interests ranged from art, poetry, and music to natural conservation and organic agriculture, Bonnet House has nurtured eclectic interests for almost ninety-five years. There’s something for everyone to enjoy here, and the same can be said of our volunteer opportunities. Looking for something peaceful and quiet? The courtyard and bridge aren’t that way all the time, but greeting guests there will give you ample opportunity (most days!) to enjoy the natural habitat and gardens. How about something more active with lots of visitor interaction, reading an audience, and telling a great story? Guiding house tours might be for you. How about sales? The Museum Shop is always in need of extra help. And no matter which role you choose, you’ll be interacting with other like-minded volunteers who have more passion and interest for the remarkable Bonnet House estate than you can imagine.
To learn more about the many volunteer opportunities at Bonnet House, visit www.bonnethouse.org/opportunities.