Orchid Care Classes Resume July 28 at Bonnet House
Bonnet House Museum & Gardens will be offering its orchid care classes once again beginning Saturday, July 28th in the lovely air-conditioned Island Theater. Learn how to care for your orchids on the beautiful Bonnet House Estate . Join our new orchid curator, Jose Exposito, and his team of orchid care experts on the historic Bonnet House Estate for three key orchid cultivation classes. Jose is founder of Soroa Orchids, senior judge of the American Orchid Society, world renowned speaker including World Orchid Conferences in Brazil and Malaysia. He has been featured in Orchids Magazine, Vogue, Martha Stewart Show and many other National and International publications. Each class is followed by a guided tour of our Orchid Display House as well our Orchid Greenhouses.
All classes take place on Saturdays. The schedule is as follows:
Orchid Basics – July 28, 2018, 10am – 12pm
Orchid Repotting & Mounting – August 4, 2018, 10am – 12pm
Diagnosing Pests & Diseases – August 11, 2018, 10am – 12pm
The cost of each class is $30 for members and $35 for non-members.
To register, visit https://bonnethouse.org/events/category/adult-classes/list/ or contact Linda Schaller at [email protected] or (954) 703-2606.