Saturdays, March 3rd and 17th, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Bonnet House Museum & Gardens will be offering two orchid care classes during the month of March. Orchid supplies will be available for purchase at each class and a tour of the orchid greenhouse, lathe house and display house will be given at the end.
The class detail and remaining schedule is as follows:
March 3, 2012, 10am – 12pm – Mounting Orchids, An Alternative to Pots
Students will learn how to mount orchids on tree fern, cork bark and grapevine and how to naturalize orchids in their landscaping. Common questions like what orchids do best on mounts or in landscaping; what do I use to attach the orchid to the mount and how to water after they are mounted will be addressed.
March 17, 2012, 10am – 12pm – Diagnosing Orchid Pests & Diseases
Learn about pests and diseases that harm orchids. From bacterial and fungal rots to insects, such as mealy bugs, thrips and scale. Students will learn how to identify the culprits, what products to use to get rid of them, as well as what to do to avoid them in the future. Orchids may be brought in for diagnosis, but must be placed in plastic bags to prevent contaminating other plants.
The cost of each class is $30.00 for members and $35 for non-members. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Linda Schaller at [email protected] or (954) 703-2606.