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Bonnet House & Orchids – A Unique Connection

By Bonnet House Blog No Comments

If you’ve ever visited Bonnet House Museum & Gardens, you may associate our historic estate with the beautiful and unique orchid flower. This is no doubt because, included on our vast property, is an Orchid House that houses a stunning variety of orchids from all over the world. Additionally, we have been hosting an annual International Orchid Festival as well as beginner & intermediate Orchid Classes for over a decade.

Many may be wondering, “Why do we place such a specific emphasis on orchids?” This is an excellent question. While our gardens contain a multitude of plants from a variety of climate zones (including our Desert Garden, Maritime Forest, and much more), we do place a particular emphasis on orchids. This is due to the fact that Evelyn Bartlett, one of Bonnet House’s original owners, was a prolific collector of orchids.

We pay homage to Evelyn and her interests by not only offering opportunities for guests to view orchids from around the globe in full bloom, but also to purchase and learn more about caring for orchids on their own. This August, we are happy to announce that we will be starting our popular Orchid Care Classes!

The first class will take place on Tuesday, August 6th, from 9:30-11:30am. This class will cover the basics of orchid care, and will include helpful information on the various types of orchids, growing locations, and basic cultivation techniques. Each class is followed by an informative guided tour of our Orchid Display House as well as our Orchid Greenhouses. This course is $30 for members and $35 for non-members. To learn more and purchase tickets, click here.

For advanced orchid care techniques, our intermediate classes will take place on Tuesday, August 13th, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. These classes will cover all aspects of transplanting orchids, with a special emphasis on the techniques and uses of different materials including cork, driftwood, plaques, baskets, and more. This course is $30 for members and $35 for non-members. To secure your place in the class, click here.

You can join us in celebrating the legacy of Evelyn Bartlett by attending our Orchid Care Classes. Regardless of your knowledge of orchid care techniques, we hope to see you at our upcoming orchid classes this August. These classes are very popular and will fill up quickly, so be sure to reserve your spot today!

International Orchid & Garden Festival Returning To Bonnet House

By Bonnet House Blog No Comments

One of the most popular events of the spring season is returning to Bonnet House! This year, our 15th Annual International Orchid & Garden Festival will take place on April 6th and 7th, 2024. This Festival welcomes orchid enthusiasts and plant lovers alike to vividly experience (and even purchase!) diverse, colorful, and fragrant varieties of orchids, tropical plants, herbs, and fruit trees sold by local and international vendors.

The two-day event will be taking place from 9:00am-4:00pm, rain or shine. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy orchid and tropical plant displays, food vendors, libations, garden art, orchid care & general gardening lectures, live music and much more. This year we have even added a Tropical Luau Lunch on the beautifully decorated waterfront veranda. This delectable meal will include a full buffet, Mai Tais, wine and beer, live Tahitian music, and hula dancers. Lunch attendees are also welcome to take a leisurely stroll through the estate and Orchid Display house.

The International Orchid & Garden Festival is a fantastic way to welcome spring time and learn more about unique growing opportunities right here in South Florida. In addition to the Tropical Luau Lunch, throughout the festival, guests will have the opportunity to learn from highly experienced experts about various topics including:

● Orchid Mounting (Saturday, April 6th from 10:00am-11:00am)
● Growing Roses In South Florida (Saturday, April 6th from 11:30am-12:30pm)
● Orchid Growing 101 (Saturday, April 6th from 1:30pm-2:30pm)
● Florida Unique Ecosystems & Native Orchids (Sunday, April 7th from 10:00am-11:00am)
● Growing A Butterfly Garden (Sunday, April 7th from 11:30am-12:30pm)
● Growing Cattleya Orchids (Sunday, April 7th from 1:00pm-2:00pm)

Parking is free for the festival, and admission to the festival is $15 per person. Admission for the self-guided house tour is an additional $10, but children under 12 are free. Tickets for the Tropical Luau Lunch are $100 and include admission to the festival.

We hope that you and your loved ones are able to attend this fantastic event. Come prepared to enjoy live music, eat excellent food, learn new things, and have fun! To learn more about this event and purchase tickets, click here.


Orchid Care Classes at Bonnet House

By Bonnet House Blog No Comments

Orchid Care Classes Resume July 28 at Bonnet House

Bonnet House Museum & Gardens will be offering its orchid care classes once again beginning Saturday, July 28th in the lovely air-conditioned Island Theater. Learn how to care for your orchids on the beautiful Bonnet House Estate . Join our  new orchid curator, Jose Exposito, and his team of orchid care experts on the historic Bonnet House Estate for three key orchid cultivation classes.  Jose is  founder of Soroa Orchids, senior judge of the American Orchid Society, world renowned speaker including World Orchid Conferences in Brazil and Malaysia. He has been featured in Orchids Magazine, Vogue, Martha Stewart Show and many other National and International publications.  Each class is followed by a guided tour of our Orchid Display House as well our Orchid Greenhouses.

All classes take place on Saturdays. The schedule is as follows:

Orchid Basics – July 28, 2018, 10am – 12pm

Orchid Repotting & Mounting – August 4, 2018, 10am – 12pm

Diagnosing Pests & Diseases – August 11, 2018, 10am – 12pm

The cost of each class is $30 for members and $35 for non-members.
To register, visit or contact Linda Schaller at [email protected] or (954) 703-2606.


orchid festival

Bonnet House Garden Mart

Featuring the 11th Annual Orchid & Exotic Plant Sale with over 3,000 attendees. Orchids, Exotics, Fruit Trees, Butterfly Garden Plants, Edible Bites, Libations, Garden Art, Lectures, Orchid Displays, Farmer’s Market…
Read More

New Orchid Greenhouse Tours Begin October 8

By Bonnet House Blog, News No Comments

Beginning October 8, 2013, Bonnet House will be offering special Orchid Greenhouse Tours with Orchid Curator Tom Wells.  These tours have never been offered before, the greenhouses and display house are rarely open to the public. The tours will be offered the second Tuesday of each month from 11am – 12pm for only $20 per person. Our greenhouses and display house hold approximately 1,200 plants in various stages of development. Our Bonnet House Orchid Curator will show you around our greenhouses and discuss how our orchids are bred and cultivated (including our impressive seedling program).  A treat for orchid enthusiasts and novices! Orchid seedlings will be available for purchase.

The tour is offered in groups of 15 to allow for questions and discussion. Limited reservations available, pre-registration is required.  Visit us at or contact Linda Schaller at (954) 703-2606 or [email protected].


Orchid Care Classes Offered at Bonnet House

By Bonnet House Blog, Classes & Workshops, Events No Comments

Come out and learn how to properly care for and maintain your orchid with Bonnet House’s Orchid Care Classes.  On September 28 from 10am – 12pm, Bonnet House will be offering its final orchid care class covering Pest and Disease Control.   This class will be followed by a tour of the orchid greenhouse, lathe house and display house.  Orchid supplies will be available for purchase at all classes and students will receive a Bonnet House ‘baby’ orchid seedling.  Help your orchid live and bloom all year long with our help.

This is the final orchid care class of the summer, so you don’t want to miss out!

The cost of each class is $30 for members and $35 for non-members.  For more information or to Register, visit or contact Linda Schaller at [email protected] or (954) 703-2606.

Bonnet House museum & Gardens – 900 North Birch Road, Fort Lauderdale 33304
Open for tours Tuesday – Sunday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Orchid Care Classes Offered at Bonnet House

By Bonnet House Blog, Classes & Workshops, News No Comments

IMG_0091Bonnet House Museum & Gardens will be offering morning and afternoon orchid care classes during the winter and summer months in 2013. Each class is followed by a tour of the orchid greenhouse, lathe house and display house. Orchid supplies will be available for purchase at all classes and students will receive a Bonnet House ‘baby’ orchid seedling.

The class schedule is as follows:

Orchid Basics – January 12 and February 9, 10am – 12pm and 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Orchid Repotting
– July 13, 10am – 12pm and 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Orchid Mounting – August 10, 10am – 12pm and 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Orchid Pest & Disease Control – September 28, 10am – 12pm and 1:30pm – 3:30pm

The cost of each class is $30.00 for members and $35 for non-members. For more information or to Register, visit or contact Linda Schaller at [email protected] or (954) 703-2606.

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Bonnet House Museum & Gardens — 900 North Birch Road, Fort Lauderdale 33304

Orchid, Garden & Gourmet Food Festival at Bonnet House

By Bonnet House Blog, Events, News, Uncategorized 2 Comments

Bonnet House Blooms December 1st & 2nd
with its
Orchid, Garden and Gourmet Food Festival

Bonnet House Museum & Gardens will be blooming during its Orchid, Garden and Gourmet Food Festival featuring the 6th Annual Orchid and Exotic Plant Sale December 1st and 2nd from 9:30am to 4:30pm! With free parking and a $10 entry fee for members and $12 fee for non-members- plant lovers and orchid enthusiasts will have the opportunity to see and buy an exclusive selection of orchids and exotic plants.

In addition to the unique collection of exotic orchids and plants sold by over 30 local vendors, the two-day event will feature gourmet food trucks, libations, orchid care lectures, cooking and gardening demonstrations, a silent auction display, live music, a farmer’s market and a creative kids corner.

The event will take place Saturday and Sunday, December 1st and 2nd from 9:30am to 4:30pm.  The entry fee is $10 for members and $12 for non-members for the fair and grounds and an additional fee of $8 for the self-guided tour through the house. Tickets to the event are now available online at

Event Features:

Orchid Displays & Silent Auction – Various orchid displays created by the participating vendors will be available for auction.

Gourmet Food Trucks – Food trucks throughout the property offering edible bites from cheese sandwiches for kids to grilled fish and Italian fare for adults.

Wine, Beer, Mimosa’s & Bloody Mary’s– Enjoy an invigorating mixture as you wander through the garden.

Orchid and Exotic Plants – Featuring over 30 vendors including bamboo, butterfly garden plants and much more.

Orchid Supplies – Vendors to provide all you need to plant and grow orchids.
Garden Art – Attractive and unusual orchid and/or garden related items from several vendors.

Lectures – Educational lectures and how-to demonstrations on caring for your garden and preparing healthy meals for the entire family.

Kids Corner – Part of the fruit grove will be turned into a creative corner for children featuring face painting and orchid collage for kids.

Green Market – Herbs, organic fruit and vegetables and helpful tips on gardening will be available.

Self-guided Tours of the House and Grounds – Stroll through the grounds and house at your leisure and experience the charm and beauty of the Bonnet House estate.

Rest Areas – Where you can sit and relax in the shade.
The Bonnet House Gift Shop – Near the main house, offers a unique choice of snacks and bottled juices, as well as a variety of interesting books, jewelry and array of gift items.
Lots of Free parking – The entrance to the parking lot is on N. Birch Road off of Sunrise Blvd. between A1A and the Intracoastal Waterway.

This year’s sponsors include The Home Depot, Market 17, Classical South Florida Radio, Whole Foods Market, AroundTown Magazine, Broward Orchid Supply, PL&P Advertising, Marando Farms, Gold Coast Youth Orchestra and Waste Management.